I know hair loss is hereditary but is there anything or any product that can be done or taken to prevent it or slow it down?
Are there any vitamins or healthcare supplements that will help stimulate hair growth FOR MEN?
Dihydrotestosterone or dht is the chemical that causes hairloss. It attaches to your hair follicle and clogs it up. This clogging causes the growing hair to become thinner and thinner until the follicle is completely closed causing hair not to grow there again. Your sensitivity to dht is what is genetic. You don't want to get testerone treatments as the by product of testerone is dht. To increase the testerone is to increase the problem. Saw palmetto does help increase hair growth and thickness but only to places where there is a healthy follicle. A dht clogged follicle would not qualify. Propecia really is the best answer. It keeps the dht from binding to the hair follicle and allows the hair growth to resume naturally. It does not make hair grow, it lets hair grow without chemical restriction. A 30 pill Rx. is about $53.00 at Sam's Clubs nationwide. Most other pharmacies will price match if you ask. Even in areas where your hair is fuzz thin, propecia can open up the follicle and allow a full head of hair to return. You don't have to be bald. After you have acheived the growth that you want, you can take the pill every other day to maintain follicle health. Massage is good for stimulation and can/should be included in regular hair maintenance but this alone will not stop dht binding. Propecia will, and it has been in use long enough for you to get lots of info on it including long term effects up to 15 years out. Hope this helps.
Are there any vitamins or healthcare supplements that will help stimulate hair growth FOR MEN?
my great aunt says to brush your hair lots and it will grow, it stimulates the hair follicles to be strong and to grow, she was a vice president of the hair association of western Canada or something like that.
she noticed that when i showered there was hair left in the tub, so she told me that, and i brush my hair lots now, and the hair loss is way less when i shower. try it, nothing to lose,
Are there any vitamins or healthcare supplements that will help stimulate hair growth FOR MEN?
Yes there is. Saw palmetto.
Are there any vitamins or healthcare supplements that will help stimulate hair growth FOR MEN?
I can understand if you don't have hair or if you are losing it, how humiliating it must be. It mainly seems to be a problem with people of fair skin pigment genetics, although other ethnicities experience this genetic deficiency of dihydrotestosterone too. Since hair loss represents a type of decrease in testosterone; testosterone therapy might be an option, however I'm not a doctor, so I'm not going to adamantly suggest that you run out and get pumped up with testosterone. You might want to stop consuming cow's milk and other food and drink substances with estrogen in them. It might help.
There are some medications that have been proven to grow hair. Their culmination came from the result of side effects discovered from medicinal substances originally designed to treat other maladies such as cancer or bladder illnesses.
Currently Propecia and Rogaine are the only two that I know of that grow hair, however these medications are expensive.
My old roommate is on some type of medication to treat his health problems (he has prostate problems) ; it grows hair too and it is neither one of the medications mentioned above. He takes a prescription medicine of some type. Propecia and Rogaine no longer require a prescription.
Another option is getting a microfollicle hair transplant. They are virtually undetectable to the naked eye. These are very expensive too.
The third but least desirable option is getting a wig (toupee) The expensive ones can look ok, but must be maintained to keep their "real" look. If it's a small toupee to cover a hair loss problem that isn't that great, you might be able to get away with this look, otherwise they look quite phony and can be spotted a mile away, if almost your entire head is a bald spot. They also are a pain to maintain and are quite uncomfortable because heat and sweat builds up underneath them. They don't "breathe"
Most of your hair loss has to do with bad genes (see first paragraph). My hair has remained thick throughout my life. The only problem is, now it's getting grey. I've never had the problem of having a tub full of hair after I take a shower or brush it.
Eat well and do other things to keep your body healthy. You'll thank me for it in the long run, trust me.
Are there any vitamins or healthcare supplements that will help stimulate hair growth FOR MEN?
Sea-salt rubbed into the hair helps a friend of mine. That may be just the stimulation that helps, but he says the salt feels good, too. Try it. Gelatine works well for nails, so I don't see why it wouldn't work well for hair.
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