Saturday, August 1, 2009

Have you been aware reactions Hairloss ulcers related to Flea prevention products,If so what Brand P

I have run in to people with pets that have suffered hair loss,ulcers,and some people suspect seizures related to spot applications.Are these products safe,is this related to recent pet product disasters,the product that was responsible came from France( Frontline)

Have you been aware reactions Hairloss ulcers related to Flea prevention products,If so what Brand Please?

I use front-line on my dogs and cats and it works really great. I have tried many brands and no other brand has worked for me. I do use an Adams flea and tick spray on the areas that my pets sleep and it seems to work pretty well. I remember way back when that companies use too warn about possible reactions to certain treatments and how your pet could have bad reactions. (kinda like how deet affects some children ) As with any drug there are always some who will be allergic to or simply there body can't handle certain chemicals. My mom has a cat that is highly allergic to fleas and has lost most of her hair a couple times during flea breakouts. We use to have a dog that was allergic to fleas and he had to go in for allergy shots when fleas got too bad him.

Have you been aware reactions Hairloss ulcers related to Flea prevention products,If so what Brand Please?

I used a flea prevention product by Hartz once that made my cat lose his hair at the place where I applied it. I mentioned it to the vet who told me that Hartz is not safe and has in some cases caused seizures. Whether or not that is documented I don't know, but that is what the vet told me. I do know for a fact though from my experience that Hartz can make the animals lose hair.

I currently use Frontline and haven't had any problems but I will double check with my vet now that you said that. I used Advantage for many years in the past and never had any problems.

Have you been aware reactions Hairloss ulcers related to Flea prevention products,If so what Brand Please?

My cat reacts to Frondline plus badly. Hair lost on neck, redness and swelling + exercise drooling.( buy org. stuff from Vet. not counter fit ) . He is O.K. on Advantage - no problem, no fleas. Frontline does not work on my dogs (6)

either - no reaction, but a lot of fleas. Dogs get now K9 Advantix - not problem , no fleas.

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