Sunday, July 26, 2009

What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?

rogaine hands down

What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?


What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?


What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?

don't be cheap go 2 the hair salon!

What is the best topical solution product for men's hair loss? Avacor?

Commercialism, aside, regardless of what product you choose, you must use it for the rest of your life, or else the "new" hair will resume falling out (FYI: the "new" hair is just dormant hair follicles being induced to grow; since they weren't meant to grow naturally, they will recede and/or die as soon as the product use is halted; no hair restoration product can create hair where there are no follicles).

So, if I were you, I wouldn't bother with the expense (look at it this way: the cost of one bottle of the stuff is just about what most small vehicle take to fill their gas tanks! I wonder which you prefer: driving around or a full head of hair?). ;)

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