Sunday, July 26, 2009

Male genetic hair loss?

I am struggling to deal with genetic hair loss. I used to have long golden brown but now I look like Patrick Stewart. My question is how can I deal with hair loss? Should I wear a hat? Try different products. I would give anything to have my hair fully restored. I am so down about it. :(

Male genetic hair loss?

Good healthy hair starts with good internal health. Have you ever noticed people that look really healthy have nice shiny full heads of hair? If I would you I would go into your local guru in wholistic medicine and see what natural supplement the can offer for robust hair growth. I閳ユ獫e had success with a product called Provillus also

Male genetic hair loss?

Shave it short, and don't worry about it. I used to worry about my hair (or lack of it) when I let it grow. Now it's cropped short and I don't care.

Male genetic hair loss?

Accept what you can't change. you are still the same person, be proud of who you are.

if other people can't accept it then THEY have the problem

My husband is losing his also and his attitude is

It doesn't hurt so leave well alone

Male genetic hair loss?

When I see a balding man in the street, I don't give him a second look. What gets my attention is the ridiculous comb-over, ill fitting wigs and (I especially despise this one) the wearing of baseball caps indoors.

Try restorative products if you must but if the baldness is genetic, nothing is going to work. Baldness happens to most men - it's a rite of passage. Don't flatter yourself by thinking anyone will notice.

Male genetic hair loss?

Don't try to hide it, take it like a man! Show it, be proud. You can even shave it, it is very popular.

Male genetic hair loss?

Hair loss is caused by many reasons such as malnutrition, illness, tension and other health problems.It is normal to shed some hair each day as part of a cycle of growing new hairs and loosing some. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. Check out for more info.

Male genetic hair loss?

cut it short what eva you do do not by a hair piece

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